Tuesday, September 20, 2011

byebyebye goodbye

hye and hell-o
stalker , reader , follower .
tday think like to express bout my feeling n hell-yeah , i think u've getting bored when visit my lumpy-dumpy blog coz i alwys express my feeling in here #naikk meluat kann ?
but . . do i care ? :)
okay sorry fr being rude :)
u oll's , im getting older n i really hate it ! :(
since i like to be pampered by othrs kann , lpasnii dh tk ade lahhh kot .
ths year , im 8teen n nxt year , turning 9teen . thenthennn ; 20 . byebye teen-agers :(
will miss you :'(
mamaaaa papaaaa , adikk tknk besa bolehh ? nnty besa mama dgn papa dh tknk sayangg adekkk ;'( sobsoobbbbb .

lots of love ;

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