Tuesday, August 16, 2011


hey there , if u've read ths post ; i wnt u to think bout it wisely . aq hope kw bce then kw bole trase yg post ni khas untkk kw . yeee ! UNTUKK KAUU ! sorry lahh kay if bhase aq kasar . dear _ _ _ _ , we used to be a best friend bfore . ryte ? we were once so closed but now we've lost it . i mean our friendship . act , i reallyreally love our friendship but frm my observation ; u've changed . quite a lot . since naik form 4 ke form 5 ntahh , aq rse yg kauu agk selfish n sometime ap yg kau buat mcm tk pkir prasaan org skeliling kw . sometime kw nmpk mcm suke tngglkn aq n sllu pkir pasl dri kw je . n bykk lahh . aq tknk saketkn hti kw tlis tu smuaa dkt sni . kw sndri phm phm laa ehh ? aq tknkk membebel bykk tpi aq jst nk kw phamkn ap erti kwn dgn SAHABAT . tpi aq rse nnty mayb kw dh tkkn ingt dh evn name aq pun kot . yelahh aq kn tklawa tkbest n smuanyee tk laa kan . kw dh cont. stdy jejauhh tu msty jmp rmai mmbr yg lgi bttr dri aq kann :')

lots of love ,

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