Tuesday, April 26, 2011


okay mcmni . 1st 1st ingtkn nk pegi buat medical check_up hrinii then bgun bgun je alahaii mls nye kaumainn lgi kauu ! ; whoaa mmg mcmni lah kot :O so , mayb i jst stayed at home n sleep fr the whole day long HAHA somebody ; ajk lahh me jln jln kay -.- ececehhh bebual mcm my mum bole kasikk slalu kelua je T-T

enough wif all those crap ! okay laa act i oready take 'heart broken road' which i should not take it frm the 1st place . err tgok older post kt bwh ni kn kn ? tersangat lh 'kan' kn ? hmm . okay he's great ! *mngarut dol .

oh my dear Lord , how could he hve done this to me ? How could he frget his promises ? How could he throw away in a moment all the thngs we hve built all these 4 mnths ? *well fr him it's only 4 months n it doesn't mean anythng laa kn .

wht the _______ okay lah sbnrnye otk tgah tk mnentu ni haa . mngarut mncarut la kn jwbnye kat sni HAHAAA . ap kate mlm nnty mai post lgi ? :D wee msty yg dh dtg belog me insaf trus tk nk dtg lgi dh kn --' mcm pepening je kn ? haha . okay tk kesa pun . if tksuke menjadah ni smua bole blaa dri sni . mcm lahh korng tkthu tnde pangkah kat mne kn kn ? klu suke bguslahh :) ehee . mmg 'trend' lh kot mngarut kat belog . yelahh tkkn nk gune diary pulakk . out of date laa ngokk -,-

okay okay dh . bye :)

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